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Rex Anderson PC


We at Rex Anderson PC would like to wish all of our clients peace and joy this holiday season. And we offer our heartfelt thanks to you, our clients, for letting us serve you. We feel grateful and honored that you chose us. And so we want to take a moment to wish you all the best of what money can’t buy—especially the joy and peace that comes from spending time with beloved family and friends at this time of year.

So much of what lawyers do centers around dollars and cents—but the thing that truly makes life fulfilling is the satisfaction that comes from helping real people. Legal problems can overwhelm a person and make it hard to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, and so we take special pleasure in knowing that so many of our clients may have a more peaceful holiday season because we were able to lift from them some of the crushing legal and financial burdens they’ve been facing.

So whether it’s the peace and Joy of Christmas, or the celebration of victory over oppression commemorated in Hanukkah, or simply taking a break from our busyness to be with people you care about, may the peace and joy of this wonderful season be yours this year and always.

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